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Watering plants in containers is vital for their health and growth. Choosing the right watering method is crucial for the longevity and vitality of plants. While many sources suggest placing a water-filled tray under the container, this practice can harm plants over time.

The most effective watering method for Aras Metal’s galvanized planters is top watering. This approach allows water to gently wash through the soil and exit through the planter’s bottom holes. It helps prevent issues such as excessive soil acidification or alkalization, depending on the water quality. Additionally, it minimizes negative effects like accumulation-induced basification and salinization.

When paired with specially formulated soils designed for Aras Metal’s galvanized planters, top watering provides the best solution to support your plants’ health. It’s essential to note that in natural soils, soil washing may be challenging and potentially harmful to plants. In such cases, minimizing the use of plant nutrients and artificial fertilizers is more suitable.

At Aras Metal, we recommend best practices to ensure the longevity and healthy growth of your plants. With our planters and suggested watering methods, your plants will thrive and remain vibrant.,
